Friday, May 7, 2010

Google the Wave

How Google Wave Got Its Groove Back

BY GINA TRAPANIThu May 6, 2010

Google Wave
Google Wave, the real-time collaboration Web application that debuted to oohs and ahhs from developers at last year's Google I/O conference, met with a whole lot of "what do I use this for?" from actual users of its invitation-only preview release. In preparation for this year's I/O, Wave's seen several updates that could rekindle interest in the fascinating but confusing tool. If you haven't looked at Wave recently, here's what's new.

Wave Task-specific Templates

Google Wave
Wave now answers the uses question right in its interface. When you launch Wave, in the far-right column, Wave encourages you to start a new wave based on templates tailored to specific tasks. Click on the Discussion, Brainstorm, Task Tracking, Meeting, or Document buttons to start with a wave template that's formatted correctly with appropriate widgets for the job. For example, the Brainstorm template includes the Napkin gadget, where you can jot down ideas freehand.

Email Notifications

Google Wave
A big complaint about Wave is that using it creates yet another inbox to check. If you're friends and coworkers aren't using Wave in earnest, you're less inclined to check your Wave inbox on the off chance that someone waved you. Now, you can set Wave to send you email notifications of new and changed waves at an interval of your choosing: immediately, hourly, and daily. (One problem for those of you who check email on your smartphone: Wave's mobile interface is slow and crashy, even on the most modern mobile browsers, so checking Wave on the go is usually a frustrating and futile experience.)

Anonymous Access for Embedded Waves

Google Wave
Up until this week, there was no way to share waves with people who didn't have a Wave preview invitation and weren't logged in. Now, Wave offers anonymous access for embedded waves on Web pages. That means more casual Web surfers can see Wave in action without knowing what it is. Use the new Wave Web element to drop a snippet of HTML into any Web page to embed a wave there. Given the right permissions, anyone can watch that wave change and update live without being logged into Wave. If your embedded wave is public, anyone logged into Wave can update it, and anonymous viewers can see it. To restrict edit rights to only certain people, add a Google Group to the wave. Restricted group access for embedded waves has particularly interesting use cases: imagine a live text interview, a newspaper editorial staff discussing a breaking story, or conference participants live-waving an event while anonymous passersby can watch on any Web page. I hold weekly office hours with my developers in Wave and publish the transcripts by embedding the wave on a Web page.
Check out an example of an embedded public wave below.

Easy Extensions

Wave is a platform that developers can add functionality to with extensions--but until now it hasn't been easy to find or install these extensions. Under the Extensions menu, you can browse a featured list of extensions and install them in one-click, or browse all extensions. Featured extensions include a video chat widget, grocery list maker, mind map gadget, image editor, and a Sudoku game.
Google WaveThese are just the major feature releases Wave's seen lately; there's also been a whole lot of polish and usability tweaks, like the long-awaited ability to remove wave participants, and visual cues on how to use the product (like the note to press Shift+Enter to save a blip, or the "click here to reply" prompt below a blip).
What are your burning questions, impressions, and complaints about Wave? Ask me in the embedded public wave below.
Gina Trapani's fascination with Wave led her to author The Complete Guide to Google Wave, which is available to read for free on the Web.


TechnologyWork SmartGoogle Wave,Google Inc.Google WaveScience and TechnologyTechnologyInternet

Friday, April 16, 2010

Self Worth and Power - What does the Coffee Party Need

Annabel Park "Your net worth is not your self worth." -- Mark Zaifman, financial planning expert.
15 hours ago ·  · 
Leah Trotter D'Antonio
5 hours ago
Gregory Woodhouse
Gregory Woodhouse 
It sure is, and a hard lesson for many (including me) to learn.
4 hours ago
Melissa Lin
Melissa Lin 
That's good since I'm broke and in debt.
4 hours ago
Annabel Park
Annabel Park 
Broke and In Debt. Sounds familiar.
4 hours ago
Melissa Lin
Melissa Lin 
It's the American Way.
4 hours ago
Worldmikel Worldmikel
Worldmikel Worldmikel 
Your net worth may not be your self worth, but it is - unfortunately - the measure of your worth to the majority of the world. Thwarting that standard is Job #1.
about an hour ago
Ami J Kopstein
Ami J Kopstein 
In our society net worth and how you apply it affects the outcome more often than not. It is a money and greed society so not every citizen has the same impact. But if we understand the value and power of the many working together we can counter balance the impact of money or 'economic weight' and take away it's power to buy outcomes.

One way that the Coffee party needs to act is to claim a 501 -3 (c) status so many will start supporting it financially and we will be able to increase visibility and reach. The Social Networks have been tapped out and we are missing many baby boomers and others who stay away from them.

Coffee party! We need to affect this kind of outcome!!

Remember how Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln bragged to voters about helping Joe Lieberman kill the public option? Remember when she said "I don't answer to my party" in a TV adduring the Democratic primary? Well, it's finally catching up with her.
A new poll shows Democratic primary challenger Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is gaining on her -- for the first time, the race is now down to single-digits! 

We need to reach out and make sure that those who turned their backs on their constituency do get to repeat their actions again!!!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coffee Party show the way!

What a great discourse and so many bright ideas. If we could affect change with intellectual prowess we would be living in close to Utopia. The biggest obstacle is how we translate these great ideas into reality how do we affect change? There are significant factors that will affect our ability to bring about change. Power in our country is forged through numbers of supporters, charismatic leadership, money and visibility in the media. We have to focus on accumulating and gaining inroads in these venues. Perhaps we do already within the Coffee Party USA a think tank with multiple talents and vision to work toward creating that critical mass but if we don't we need too. The arena into which we are spreading wings has many levels of resistance and power centers besides the partisanship, it also has a built in confrontational posturing between the House and the Senate, between fresh-persons and old stalwarts, between lobbyists and staffers. We have a power base of lawyers who will fight to last drop of ink on protecting tort and malpractice whether they are justified or not. We are faced with a Supreme Court on a political warpath, and an Administration that is trying to follow a path of no resistance, before breaking through. So what can we do to accelerate the process before it's too late???

Saturday, March 27, 2010

So what's next?

21 minutes ago
Bill Ward
Bill Ward 
There's some good sense in this article. What we really need is a great independent party that has the best interest of the people and is not owned by big banks, big oil, big insurance or any corporate entities. We need a Political Integrity Act that has real consequences for bribery, or a they say, lobbying of any kind. It has to stop!
20 minutes ago
Ami J Kopstein
Ami J Kopstein 
I like what Bill Ward says - the question is how to fix it! Do we fix it right by addressing it in constitutional amendments, do we propose and elect a Constitutional
Assembly and draw a constitution that will reflect the identity of the way this nation wants really to be? or do we piecemeal legislation while we create the perfect, idealistic, pure grass roots movement that will become the light bearer of the American Democracy?
Is the Coffee Party that entity? Is there a leader that will emerge to lead it and become an Iconic leader, such as MLK or JFK or maybe Obama is waiting for the call?
4 minutes ago · 

Free Speech and the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court just gave Corporation the right to vote - with their money which will disproportionately devalue our future votes. What the Supreme Court did in effect is: it has taken over a very narrow decision case and turned it into a broad case of law with the effect of becoming a constitutional amendement turning blocks of money into political entities without approval of a majority of the States.
This is not anything that we should allow to stand - only people have the right to vote and affect political discourse in this country, free speech can not become a back door to assert control over us.
We are looking for our legal representatives the Legislative Branch and the US Executive Branch to join forces and undo this gross miscarriage of Law and the usurping of the Freedom of the Justice System to undermine the constitution.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Comments on the GOP

For the past one hundred years Republicans were very good at screaming wolf at every piece of Democractic Social Legislation isn't it time they learned the truth about what is the difference between socialism and what is social justice in the modern world.
They are still referencing 19th Century concepts in the 21st century.
Unfortunately there are so many Americans who don't know any better and bring them back up to power once the fear factor of the wolf sets in.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This Saturday's Meeting 1PM Border's Laplace

This Saturday's Meeting 1PM Border's Laplace
Join us be part of the Coffee Party Movement. At Seattle's Best Coffee @ Borders at Laplace Mall, Richmond Road and Cedar Road.
Agenda - Prepare for Coffee with Marcia Fudge
              -  Sphere Analysis
              -   Meeting time and place
             -   Do we want to be a Chapter?

Your Hosts Ami and Steve

Monday, March 22, 2010

Obama's Legislative Accomplishment is something to be proud of.

OBAMA'S Smaller Majorities took LESS TIME TO ENACT MAJOR LEGISLATION: Months to passage after becoming president:

Obama 14 mos for health-care 

Johnson 20 mos for Medicare FD 

Roosevelt 29 mos for Social Security.

 Clinton's health-care bill dead 20 mos after he became president. 

Majorities: Obama 60 Dem. senators 258 Dem. Hse ,

Johnson 68 Dem. senators, 295 Dem Hse 

Roosevelt 69 Dem senators, 329 Democratic Hse.

 Isn't this just the reverse of the impression we all had of this taking too long - what a surprise.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Obama withholds Bunker Busting Bomb Kits from delivery to Israel.

Couldn't find anything to refute this report. If true could be a sign of significant divergence on Iran policies and the first time that such a significant action has aken place in many years. This follows action on another cooperative project related to iran has been shelved by President Obama. Very, very troubling.
Shortly after Vice President Joe Biden's Israel visit ended on March 11 in high dudgeon over the approval 1,600 new homes in East Jerusalem, US president Barack Obama ordered a consignment of Joint Direct ...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Coffee Party Information - Survey and more

Please use the link to take the Coffee Party Survey.

when you take the survey you will be given a four digit code.

We would like to have the codes so we can create a composite of your views and priorities so can build an agenda for our next meetings and design our action plan.

Please do so over the week-end.

Steve Rosen, Al Cohn, David Bortz and myself (Ami) met today with Eric Byler at the Erie Island Coffee Shop.
It's a down to earth place on the 4th street pedestrian plaza between Euclid and Prospect across from the House of Blues.

We had a great exchange of ideas of what the Coffee party is and should be about. Most of the discussion was focused on rendering the Vocal and threatening voices in our country down to their size and making the voices of the majority heard in Washington in the halls of Congress. We want to work on the topics and processes that will make this happen. Keep in mind this is my understanding you will hear more from the rest of us.

We are looking forward to see as many of you as possible on Sunday at 11 AM at the same place (Erie island Coffee Shop). There is plenty of public parking within a block or two on Prospect and Ontario around the corner. We will meet with Eric Byler and Annabel Park to discuss what will make cleveland a model chapter and spread the word. There will be media at this event.

Thanks for your support and cooperation,

Ami J Kopstein and Steve Rosen

PS Our next meeting is at 1PM Saturday 3-27-10 at Border's.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Latest Epistles

Ami likes David Conn's status.
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein The ACLU has done so much good historically but this they will never be able to live down. I wonder who or what pays the bills for this immoral action!!!
ACLU. American Civil Liberties Union. Really? Because it sure appears that they are (still) doing everything possible to not only protect Islamic jihadis, but, to make sure they have the information necessary in order to not be captured and killed by the US government. ...
Yesterday at 9:45pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein Are these guys nuts? Suing the US Government in court for the legal justification for the use of drones? Are they going to seek the same for the use of Helicopters? Jets? Fire arms? Bullet proof vests and Satellites?

This is no more than a bad joke and it's on us!! They guys need some serious mental and moral therapy! T...hey ought to sue AlKaida for the reasons they use IEDs and Passenger Jets against the World trade center and the Pentagon.

See More
NEW YORK – According to news reports today, State Department official Harold Koh stated that the Obama administration has considered legal objections to its predator drone program and suggested that the ...
Yesterday at 9:42pm · · · Share
Ami likes Amnon Ophir's link.
Ami became a fan of · ·
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein Total misrepresentation of Bonner's words and intent!
I have just listened to the interview and as an Israeli expatriate with intimate understanding of the emotions and realism in Israel I can say that Bronner statements were an accurate assessment of the feelings and atmosphere and knowing how israeli feel about their... own Falasha and other Ethiopians who aspire to emigrate to Israel his notion that there might some prejudice is not derogatory but a realism.To tag Bonner anti-Israel is a gross self serving depiction. I hope that there are more Bonners who can speak so truthfully and understanding of Israel.

See More
Are Israeli Jews much more bigoted than their American co-religionists? An astounding 77% of American Jews voted for Barack Obama. But according to Ethan Bronner [with a little "help" from Chris Matthews], ...
Yesterday at 4:39pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein The RNC is like the Hydra so must cut off all the heads with one stroke!!!
Friend --After nearly a century of false starts, more than a year of debate, and countless stories of struggle from hardworking Americans, it all comes down to this.The Republicans have embarked on a desperate ...
Yesterday at 1:09pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein My Blog Spot
Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Blogger makes it simple to post text, photos and video onto your personal or team blog.
Tue at 10:21pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

J Street urged the Obama administration to take "even stronger action" in negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.
On Monday, the group delivered a petition to the White House with 18,000 signatures calling for "stronger U.S. leadership to achieve a two-state solution”... and to counter “the attacks on the Obama administration from those here in the U.S. who seek to maintain the status quo,”

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J Street urged the Obama administration to take
Tue at 10:11pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein The Hurvah Synagogue in the jewish Quarter of the Old City was destroyed sixty two years by the Arab Legion and rioters and it's renovation is called a desecration by Muslim Organization -

This is some upside down logic and one expects that there will be peace negotiation - on whose logic?
Khaleej Times - UAE and World News Updates in Business, Jobs, Classifieds, Properties, Used cars, Business, Bank Rates, Gold Rates, Forex, Travel
Tue at 5:26pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein This is the kind of balanced diplomacy Latin America espouses: 5. Brazil’s Leader Snubs Mt. Herzl but Will Visit Arafat’s Grave -visiting Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva refused to attend a customary wreath-laying ceremony at the grave of Zionist founder Theodore Herzl. Lula, plans to pay his respects a...t the grave of Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. Brazil is embraced by Iranian President Ahmadinejad,

See More
Tue at 5:18pm · ·
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein Never enough publicity and this is good!!! Coffee Party USA gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expression ...
Mon at 11:20pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein SubscribecoffeepartyusaFebruary 14, 2010(more info) Coffee Party USA gives voice to Americans who want to see cooperation in government. We recognize that the federal government is not the enemy of the people, but the expres... URLEmbed
Hundreds of photos are pouring in with reports of amazing and inspiring Coffee Party gatherings around the country. Check out the photos in Flickr (still uploading)!
Mon at 11:15pm · · · Share
Ami became a fan of Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA). · ·
Ami joined the group IEEE-USA. · ·
Ami became a fan of Jewish Cleveland. · ·
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein Here comes the real HEROES:

States' governors are meeting this week, and it appears that 38 states already have bills pending to not comply with the federal legislation when it comes down

They all must be following Massachusetts' example, they are all going to prov...ide their own public run health System.

See More
Mon at 12:30pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein This is my story and I hope we get the beginning of a true Social Justice System in Place and not just Health Care:
I have reached the age of 65 my pension plan dropped my health insurance to medicare and I am now paying $726 a month for health Insurance that's $500 more than I paid before reaching this 'venerable ' ag...e. I also have to spend $4000 a year more on prescriptions than I did before. To add insult to injury Medicare charges me an additional $70 a month more for premiums because 2 years ago I made more than $46,000, what does this have to do with my current premium? This is nothing more than an oxymoron since I paid more toward social security and received fewer benefits and has nothing to do with my resources today. The system is bacwards you should have to pay less as you grow older and your income becomes fixed.

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As Speaker Pelosi works with colleagues in Congress to finish the job of repairing America's broken health care system, opponents of reform are mounting their biggest effort yet to kill reform and preserve the status quo.
Mon at 12:15pm · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein Google finally meets its match - China
China's minister of industry and information technology, issued China's toughest statement on the dispute yet. "If you want to do something that disobeys Chinese law and regulations, you are unfriendly, you are irresponsible, and you will have to pay the consequences,"
CHINA finally... exercises it's REAL WORLD POWER.

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BEIJING -- China's government has embraced an increasingly anti-Western tone in recent months and is adopting policies across a wide spectrum that reflect a heightened fear of foreign influence.
Mon at 9:47am · · · Share
Ami J Kopstein

Ami J Kopstein HAPPY Pi DAY!!!! Happy Birthday Albert Einstein!!!

March 14 at 6:15pm · ·