Friday, April 16, 2010

Self Worth and Power - What does the Coffee Party Need

Annabel Park "Your net worth is not your self worth." -- Mark Zaifman, financial planning expert.
15 hours ago ·  · 
Leah Trotter D'Antonio
5 hours ago
Gregory Woodhouse
Gregory Woodhouse 
It sure is, and a hard lesson for many (including me) to learn.
4 hours ago
Melissa Lin
Melissa Lin 
That's good since I'm broke and in debt.
4 hours ago
Annabel Park
Annabel Park 
Broke and In Debt. Sounds familiar.
4 hours ago
Melissa Lin
Melissa Lin 
It's the American Way.
4 hours ago
Worldmikel Worldmikel
Worldmikel Worldmikel 
Your net worth may not be your self worth, but it is - unfortunately - the measure of your worth to the majority of the world. Thwarting that standard is Job #1.
about an hour ago
Ami J Kopstein
Ami J Kopstein 
In our society net worth and how you apply it affects the outcome more often than not. It is a money and greed society so not every citizen has the same impact. But if we understand the value and power of the many working together we can counter balance the impact of money or 'economic weight' and take away it's power to buy outcomes.

One way that the Coffee party needs to act is to claim a 501 -3 (c) status so many will start supporting it financially and we will be able to increase visibility and reach. The Social Networks have been tapped out and we are missing many baby boomers and others who stay away from them.

Coffee party! We need to affect this kind of outcome!!

Remember how Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln bragged to voters about helping Joe Lieberman kill the public option? Remember when she said "I don't answer to my party" in a TV adduring the Democratic primary? Well, it's finally catching up with her.
A new poll shows Democratic primary challenger Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is gaining on her -- for the first time, the race is now down to single-digits! 

We need to reach out and make sure that those who turned their backs on their constituency do get to repeat their actions again!!!!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Coffee Party show the way!

What a great discourse and so many bright ideas. If we could affect change with intellectual prowess we would be living in close to Utopia. The biggest obstacle is how we translate these great ideas into reality how do we affect change? There are significant factors that will affect our ability to bring about change. Power in our country is forged through numbers of supporters, charismatic leadership, money and visibility in the media. We have to focus on accumulating and gaining inroads in these venues. Perhaps we do already within the Coffee Party USA a think tank with multiple talents and vision to work toward creating that critical mass but if we don't we need too. The arena into which we are spreading wings has many levels of resistance and power centers besides the partisanship, it also has a built in confrontational posturing between the House and the Senate, between fresh-persons and old stalwarts, between lobbyists and staffers. We have a power base of lawyers who will fight to last drop of ink on protecting tort and malpractice whether they are justified or not. We are faced with a Supreme Court on a political warpath, and an Administration that is trying to follow a path of no resistance, before breaking through. So what can we do to accelerate the process before it's too late???